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Credit SCPI

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (SCPI) through credit is a strategy increasingly favored by those looking to build a rental property portfolio without committing a substantial amount upfront. Utilizing credit for the purchase of SCPI shares offers several advantages, including financial leverage and significant tax benefits. Apex Capital details the keys to this investment strategy.


Advantages of Investing in SCPI with Credit

Leverage Effect: Credit allows you to invest a higher amount than initially available, aiming for a return that exceeds the cost of the loan.

Tax Optimization: The deductibility of loan interest on rental income, particularly for fiscal SCPIs, reduces income tax.

Accessibility: This approach makes SCPI investment more affordable, even for those with fewer funds.

Portfolio Diversification: Investing through credit facilitates real estate diversification by allowing investment across multiple SCPIs.


Terms and Conditions of SCPI Credit

Duration: Loans for purchasing SCPI shares can extend up to 20 years.

Interest Rates: These rates vary depending on the loan term, guarantees provided, and the financial situation of the borrower.

Guarantees: Lenders may require guarantees, such as a mortgage on a property or pledging SCPI shares.


Investment Strategies

SCPI Selection: Choosing the right SCPI based on its historical performance, investment strategy, and capitalization is crucial.

Cost Analysis: It is essential to examine all associated costs (interest, insurance, management fees) before committing.

Overall Planning: The investment should fit into a broader patrimonial strategy, considering long-term goals and repayment capacity.


Why Choose Apex Capital?


SCPI and Real Estate Financing Expertise: With in-depth knowledge of the SCPI market and financing options, Apex Capital develops personalized investment strategies.

Tailored Support: From SCPI selection to financing and tax optimization, our support is personalized.

Monitoring and Analysis: We provide regular follow-up to adjust the strategy according to market developments.



Investing in SCPI through credit is a promising avenue for investors aiming to benefit from rental real estate without initially immobilizing a significant capital. However, this approach requires thorough analysis and careful planning. With Apex Capital’s expertise, navigate confidently through the SCPI credit landscape, maximizing benefits while managing risks effectively.

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