Optimiser ma fiscalité

Défiscaliser en investissant dans l’immobilier

Tax optimization with Girardin law

The Girardin Law is a strategic component of tax optimization in France, offering incentives for investments in the overseas departments and territories (DOM-TOM). This fiscal tool supports the economic development of the ultramarine regions and presents an opportunity for investors who value the added benefits of their commitment.   Tax Benefits and Commitments   Girardin …

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Tax optimization with Pinel law

The Pinel Law embodies a premier tax reduction strategy for French investors, designed to stimulate the supply of new housing in high-demand rental areas. Apex Capital elucidates the nuances of this scheme, highlighting its tax reduction potential and eligibility criteria.   Tax Benefits and Rental Commitment •Progressive Tax Reduction: Enjoy up to a 21% tax …

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Tax optimization with Denormandie law

The Denormandie Law presents itself as a dynamic tax reduction scheme aimed at stimulating the renovation of old housing in the heart of French cities. Apex Capital unveils the ins and outs of this scheme, offering an attractive tax reduction for investors committed to urban revitalization.   Tax Benefits and Rental Commitment •Tailored Tax Reduction: …

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Tax optimization with Malraux Law

The Malraux Law is a unique tax reduction scheme that encourages investors to renovate properties within historic French areas. At Apex Capital, we provide a comprehensive exploration of this scheme, highlighting its potential for tax reduction while contributing to the preservation of French architectural heritage.   Tax Benefits of the Malraux Law •Significant Tax Reduction: …

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Tax optimization with Historic Monuments law

The Historic Monuments Law presents itself as a premier tax reduction scheme for owners of classified real estate properties, aimed at encouraging the restoration and preservation of French architectural heritage. Apex Capital offers expertise to integrate this investment into a balanced wealth strategy, combining a passion for heritage with tax optimization.   Tax Benefits of …

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Tax optimization with Bare-ownership

Investment in bare ownership reveals itself as a top-notch patrimonial and fiscal strategy for savvy investors. This form of real estate investment, which separates the bare ownership from the usufruct, offers an interesting avenue for those looking to invest in real estate while benefiting from significant tax reliefs. Apex Capital guides you through this scheme, …

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Tax optimization with Fiscal SCPI

Fiscal SCPI (Sociétés Civiles de Placement Immobilier) present an advantageous real estate investment solution for French taxpayers. By combining the benefits of long-term rental income with the tax advantages of schemes like Pinel, Malraux, or Monuments Historiques, these investment companies offer an appealing path to portfolio diversification and tax optimization. Apex Capital details the mechanisms, …

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Assurances vie Biarritz, Assurances vie Lourdes, Assurances vie Nouvelle Aquitaine, Assurances vie Pau, Assurances vie Tarbes, Conseils financiers Biarritz, Conseils financiers Lourdes, Conseils financiers Nouvelle Aquitaine, Conseils financiers Pau, Conseils financiers Tarbes, Défiscalisation Biarritz, Défiscalisation Lourdes, Défiscalisation Nouvelle Aquitaine, Défiscalisation Pau, Défiscalisation Tarbes, Gestion de patrimoine Biarritz, Gestion de patrimoine Lourdes, Gestion de patrimoine Nouvelle Aquitaine, Gestion de patrimoine Pau, Gestion de patrimoine Tarbes, Plan d’épargne retraite Biarritz, Plan d’épargne retraite Lourdes, Plan d’épargne retraite Nouvelle Aquitaine, Plan d’épargne retraite Pau, Plan d’épargne retraite Tarbes, Succession Biarritz, Succession Lourdes, Succession Nouvelle Aquitaine, Succession Pau, Succession Tarbes

Défiscaliser en plaçant mon épargne

Tax optimization with Life Insurance

Life insurance stands out as a pillar of savings in France, offering unparalleled flexibility and tax advantages. For savers and investors looking to optimize their taxes, life insurance is an indispensable strategy. Apex Capital provides you with a detailed guide to effectively leverage this tax optimization tool.   Understanding Life Insurance Life insurance is a …

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Tax optimization with the PEA

The Equity Savings Plan (PEA) is a preferred savings scheme for French investors, combining significant tax advantages with investment opportunities in European companies. Apex Capital leverages its expertise to maximize the effectiveness of your PEA.   The Advantages of the PEA •Tax Exemption: After five years, gains from the PEA are exempt from income tax, …

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Tax optimization with the PER

The PER (Plan d’Épargne Retraite) stands out as a favored solution for French savers, combining usage flexibility with tax incentives. Designed to encourage long-term retirement savings, it caters to both employees and self-employed individuals, offering benefits for both personal and professional contributions.   Key Tax Benefits of the PER   Voluntary Contributions •Tax Reduction: Contributions …

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Tax optimization with Sofica

Companies for the Financing of the Film and Audiovisual Industry (SOFICA) stand out as a preferred choice for French taxpayers passionate about cinema, eager to combine tax optimization with support for artistic creation. Apex Capital deciphers the benefits of this unique investment for you.   Tax Benefits of SOFICA •Tax Reduction: Investing in a SOFICA …

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Tax optimization with FIP & FCPI

FIP (Fonds d’Investissement de Proximité) and FCPI (Fonds Communs de Placement dans l’Innovation) are central to investment strategies in France, focusing on supporting regional and innovative SMEs. These instruments combine engagement in the economic fabric with tax advantages, aligning wealth investment with the stimulation of growth and innovation.   Tax Advantages •Tax Reduction: Investing in …

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Tax optimization with the PEE & PERCO

The PEE (Plan d’Épargne Entreprise) offers employees and business leaders an exceptional opportunity to accumulate savings with the support of the company, benefiting from favorable taxation. It is a key tool for employee engagement and wealth optimization.   Tax Advantages and Optimization Strategies •Maximizing Employer Matching Contributions: Fully utilizing the employer’s matching contributions, often underutilized, …

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Assurances vie Biarritz, Assurances vie Lourdes, Assurances vie Nouvelle Aquitaine, Assurances vie Pau, Assurances vie Tarbes, Conseils financiers Biarritz, Conseils financiers Lourdes, Conseils financiers Nouvelle Aquitaine, Conseils financiers Pau, Conseils financiers Tarbes, Défiscalisation Biarritz, Défiscalisation Lourdes, Défiscalisation Nouvelle Aquitaine, Défiscalisation Pau, Défiscalisation Tarbes, Gestion de patrimoine Biarritz, Gestion de patrimoine Lourdes, Gestion de patrimoine Nouvelle Aquitaine, Gestion de patrimoine Pau, Gestion de patrimoine Tarbes, Plan d’épargne retraite Biarritz, Plan d’épargne retraite Lourdes, Plan d’épargne retraite Nouvelle Aquitaine, Plan d’épargne retraite Pau, Plan d’épargne retraite Tarbes, Succession Biarritz, Succession Lourdes, Succession Nouvelle Aquitaine, Succession Pau, Succession Tarbes